Need a Place On the Web for your Website?
Even if you have your own plans for a design for your new website, I would be more than happy to offer you a hosting service.
Please visit the
online store for webhosting. While you are there, you will see two packages, "Business" and
"Corporate." The packages are explained in more detail at the online store.
You may wonder why pay even $75 a year for a webhost when you can use a freebie available on the internet. Good question!
First and foremost, your own domain name is not included with the freebie sites (at least not that I know of). With the basic package
I am offering, you can be (as long as no one else has that name).
Additionally, you get the following features:
The freebie sites often bog down your pages with advertisements--they have to make money somehow.
If you want a personal website to show off your hobbies and/or your horses or other pets (whatever you like), a website to feature your Incredimail or similar creations, or a
if you are a breeder, trainer, or other equine professional, either one the two packages available might suit you pretty well.
I hope you will have a look!