
I am Heidi Bylsma, the person behind Spirit of Equus™ Graphic and Website Design.

I began my graphic design "career" very unofficially in February of 2001 when I discovered how to design email stationery to send and share with friends. I did this all for personal enjoyment and learned a great deal in the process.

In 2002, my family and I moved to the country where we allowed our dream of being owned by horses take over. When I wasn't outside with the horses, I immersed myself in graphically manipulating images of horses or writing about horses. Our mustang and austistic son are in a story in Chicken Soup for the Horse Lover's Soul Volume 2!

I am a homeschooling mom of two teenagers. Our lives revolve around horses, music and NASCAR! If you are interested in learning more about me, please stop by my personal website.

I enjoy helping folks establish their personal presence on the internet by creating customized graphics and developing websites where they can showcase their horses, their products, or themselves in creative ways. Whether you want a logo or business card drafted--or a complete website--I will gladly work with you personally to create something that accurately captures the image you want presented to the world.

Thanks for visiting and I hope we can partner up to create something that captures the essence of who you are on the web!
